Sunday, February 3, 2013

And so it begins!

It is finally hitting me that I am here in Orlando and working at Disney. Yesterday was my first day of training, but it really didn't seem like work at all... It was a lot of fun! I had to get up at 4:30am which was terrible but my roommate had to get up that early also so it wasn't too bad. I caught the bus at 6 and was off to Magic Kingdom (MK)!

When we first arrived, they had us meet at the Mouskateria! That's what they call the cafeteria down in the Utilidor (aka the tunnel system under MK). We clocked in using our new Disney IDs and then we were broken into two groups and given tours of the entire park. I learned so many new fun facts about the park, like how Main Street has a slight slope to it so that when guests leave at the end of the day it's easier for them to walk out. Also, the flag poles on the top of the buildings on Main Street are not actually flag poles but lightning rods, and the flags on them do not have to be lowered everyday because they aren't real American flags - they all either have an extra star/stripe or a missing star/stripe. I was so amazed by everything they were telling us. It is impressive how much attention was given to every single little detail during the creation of the park. 

After we finished the tour of all of MK, we were broken into groups based on our jobs. I met a few people that I'd be working with - another girl is also from Long Island! We had a quick lunch and then it was off to costuming. Instead of uniforms, we refer to our job clothes as costumes. The costuming building is huge and has aisles upon aisles of costumes, three racks tall! They have all of the different costumes that you see around MK - the Space Mountain costume, Main Entrance costumes, Food Service costumes, etc. The annoying and troubling part of costuming is that the sizes are not the same as normal sizes. Also, a lot of them include not only a waist size but also an inseam length. I had to get two uniforms - one for turnstiles and one for parade audience control. I was super frustrated because I couldn't find any pants that were the right length. They were all either way too short or too long. I was so upset and it was really putting a damper on things. (Luckily, I was able to go back today and find the right size for one of my costumes, the other one is still kind of long). Once I have my shoes, I will post some pictures of them!

When costuming was done, we headed back to MK to watch the 3 o'clock parade. My leaders told me that one of the most commonly asked questions is, "What time is the 3 o'clock parade?"... You'd think that'd be obvious. They had a pre-parade to celebrate the Super Bowl with Goofy dressed as a football player and Chip & Dale as referees. It was very cute! After the parade was over, we did another tour of Main Street and learned a few more fun facts. For example, one of the windows on Main Street has a sign for a Chinese restaurant, but there isn't actually one anywhere in the park. By 4 o'clock, I was exhausted and ready for bed. Unfortunately, because of the buses, I didn't get home until about two hours later! I can't wait to have my car with me.

The car says, "I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!"

Can you tell if that's Chip or Dale?!

I was so excited when I got home from work because I finally got to see my roommates! Nicky said she felt like riding a roller coaster so I suggested we catch the bus to Hollywood Studios and ride the Rockin' Rollercoaster quick. I said it sort of jokingly, but then we checked the bus schedule and there was one leaving twenty minutes later, so we decided to go! It was fun because we all just put on our pajamas and went. It is so cool that I can go to any of the parks whenever I feel like it. 

Rockin' Rollercoaster! One of my favorite Disney rides

Today, I had the day off. I got up early and went back to costuming to see if I could find the right pants. On the way there, our bus broke down! It was so frustrating. I felt terrible for the people who had to get to work because they could've gotten in trouble for being late. The buses here really aren't very reliable. When I was at the bus stop waiting, I heard a bunch of people headed to Hollywood Studios saying that the bus that was supposed to pick them up had gotten into an accident so none of them had a way to work! I hope that the commute to the parks will be easier once I have my car. Once I got back from costuming, I went to the outlet mall with Nicky and Shelby to look for shoes for my costume. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any so I'll have to head back out tomorrow to find them because I need them for work on Tuesday. Afterwards, I decided it was time for a nap! While everything here has been fun, it's also been very exhausting. When I woke up, I went over to one of the other complexes for a Super Bowl viewing party with Nicky. They gave us some snacks and drinks and we were able to watch the game on a huge projection screen. The Housing team hosts a ton of events throughout the year which is nice because we are able to meet other people from the program and just relax for a little bit. When I got back, I hung out with some of my roommates and made dinner for Annie and I... Her mom said she may have to start paying me to cook for her since Annie can barely pour herself a bowl of cereal! 

Tomorrow, I have the day off again! I definitely want to take advantage of it since it's my only day off until next Wednesday!!! I have to get shoes and do some laundry, but I also want to head over to MK because the MVP of the Super Bowl will be there! At the end of the game when they are asked, "What are you going to do now?" and they say, "I'm going to Disney World," they actually mean it! 

That's what's been going on here for the past few days. As I said, I'll be working seven days straight starting Tuesday. Some of my shifts are crazy hours - one of them is until 2:15am! I can't wait to finish my training and begin to work on my own, but I am definitely still nervous! Luckily most people seem willing to help out the newbies :)

P.S. Hi Grandma!

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