Friday, March 1, 2013

I'm Alive!

Helllllooo! It has been almost two weeks since I've updated and I am very sorry about that! I am really going to try to update every day or every other day, even if it's just something little. It just gets difficult because it doesn't always seem like there is something to write about! The past week or so has been pretty good. Work has kept me very busy but I've also found time to do some fun stuff with my friends.

Work has been alright. There haven't been many stand-out good or bad days. Usually, if a day seems to be going well, something happens to ruin it haha. It's not so bad, though. I like the people I work with and the guests who are really nice and excited to get inside make it worthwhile. I was working exits one night so I was waving goodbye to everyone with my Mickey hand on and I was amazed by how many people asked to take pictures with me! It's weird that I'll be in their family vacation pictures now haha. I am starting to get a bit more comfortable around my coordinators which is a good thing because generally they make me very nervous but I'm starting to get over that. One of the worst parts of my week was when I had to go to a meeting in the middle of my shift. I wasn't sure what the meeting was for or where it was so I started asking around. I was sent to seven different places before I finally got to the meeting... 35 minutes late! It was just a basic introduction for all of the CPs (College Program members). I explained my situation to the guy leading the meeting and he said it was no problem and I hadn't missed much. That was a relief because I was really worked up after having gone to seven other places. It bothered me that no one could help me out. At one point I started to think that it was some sort of initiation where they sent all of the newbies running around the park looking for a meeting that didn't exist. On Sunday, I will begin training for Parade Audience Control (PAC). A lot of people say that they like PAC better than Park Greeter so hopefully I will enjoy it too. The costume is a lot less comfortable though, so I'm not looking forward to that!

On Wednesday, I started my classes. They are called Exploring Marketing and Exploring Leadership. Technically, they aren't really classes because we don't have assignments or homework or anything like that. They are more like business seminars. The marketing one sounds like it will be really interesting. They will bring in speakers from all different facets of the Disney company to tell us how they market and sell their products, whether it be a stuffed animal or a cruise trip! The leadership one also sounds pretty interesting, but I'm not sure I'll enjoy it as much. I think they will be great opportunities to network with professionals and get my foot in the door if I decide that Disney is where I want to make a career.

Work and class take up a lot of time, but once they are done it's all about the fun! I have done quite a few things with my friends over the past week. One night, we went to Epcot to ride Soarin', got some dinner, and watched Illuminations. Illuminations is the firework show at Epcot while Wishes is the one at Magic Kingdom. I really like Illuminations because the fireworks are cooler and more varied. I also went to the P!nk concert with Nicky on Wednesday. Our seats weren't great, but it was a lot of fun! I wasn't expecting much but it turns out that P!nk is an amazing performer. She did a ton of acrobats and was flying over the crowd and stuff. She also sounded great live! Yesterday, Stacey and I headed out to Universal to buy our annual pass. I was told if I just showed my ID and proof that I lived here I would be fine. Once I got to the ticket booth, however, they gave me a hard time and said they couldn't help us. I was pretty angry because I had just paid $15 to park and now I couldn't even buy a ticket! I went over to Guest Services to see what they could do and the guy we talked to was super helpful. He was joking around with us and poking fun at the fact that we were Disney CPs, but then he whipped out his Disney ID! Turns out that he used to work over there but then switched to Universal. He was telling us some funny stories and was able to get us our passes. They were expensive, but worth it! I love Universal so I definitely think I will get a lot of use out of the pass.

Overall, I have been enjoying my time here. I am, however, very homesick. The thing about working here that makes it so difficult is that everyone is working in fear. We are all so afraid to mess even the tiniest thing up because no one wants a point on their record card or to get in trouble with a coordinator or manager. There is so much pressure to be perfect and do everything correctly. It's to the point where if you're standing one step to far to the left, someone will come over and tell you to move. Being at work is very stressful that it almost makes it painful to be there. I'm glad that at the end of the day, I can come home to a bunch of friends and we can all just unwind and have fun together. I cannot wait for my birthday in a few weeks because I get to take a little vacation with my dad and cousin. It will be nice to relax and not have to worry about the pressures of work for a few days! Until then, it's off to work I go...

(I'll try and add pictures to this post soon!)

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