Thursday, January 31, 2013


It wasn't long before the excitement began in Chatham 13104. Aside from a housing meeting full of strobe lights, fog machines and safety rules, we had nothing planned for our first few days here. We spent a lot of time unpacking and shopping for groceries and apartment stuff.

While unpacking, I realized that there was a spot on our carpet that was soaking wet. Stacey and I had no idea what it was from, so we just kind of ignored it. As time passed, we noticed that it seemed to be spreading. Earlier in the day, maintenance had come to fix exposed nails in the carpet and Kacey mentioned that when they lifted the rug, it looked like there were some water stains on the floor. We decided to call maintenance again but they said that they had a few things to do before us and they were unsure when they would be able to stop by. We were a little upset but soon forgot about it once we started hanging out with our new roomies! A few hours later, we noticed that there was a dripping noise coming from the AC vent. Kacey wanted to check it out so she walked over and realized that the carpet in the living room was also soaking wet! Since maintenance was closed, we had to call security (how exciting is it that two security guards were the first guests invited to our apartment?!). They unlocked the maintenance closet and we discovered what the issue was - the AC unit literally had water pouring out of it! We decided to turn the AC off until maintenance could get there the next morning. When maintenance finally came, they told us that the water was freezing to ice and there was some kind of drain clog which was causing the leak. In order to dry up the mess, they placed two big, and very loud, fans in the living room and our bedroom. Hopefully that will dry it all up! The issue now is that the air conditioner doesn't seem to be working... I guess we'll have to call maintenance AGAIN.

The dusty fan in our room. I think it was blowing on my shoes - that must be why they are so disorganized...

Casual fan under the carpet.

I'll be working at Disney, but it turns out I'm living at SeaWorld!

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